Houston Wickham

Front-end developer

I am a front-end developer with a specialty in email development. I have experience developing websites and landing pages using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and ReactJS. With over 8 years experience working in email and web development on both the agency and client side, I have a wealth of knowledge I can bring to your company.

Recent Projects

Support Desk

Support Desk
Support Desk is a full stack MERN app that allows users to register, login, create ticket, add notes, and close tickets. This was built using using React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, MongoDB, and Express and is hosted on Heroku. This was completed as part of the React Front to Back 2022 course.
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House Marketplace

House Marketplace
House Marketplace app for listing homes for sale and rent. This project was built using React, Firebase, and Vercel. This app is fully functioning and allows users to log in, create and edit listings, contact landlords, and more. This was completed as part of the React Front to Back 2022 course.
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Github Finder

Github Finder
Github Finder app for displaying Github profiles. This project was built using React, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, and hosted with Vercel. This was completed as part of the React Front to Back 2022 course.
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Calculator project as part of The Odin Project Javascript course. This was built using vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript only. Full calculator functions are still a work in progress but basic calculator functions work as intended.
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Etch A Sketch

Etch A Sketch
This is my version of the Etch A Sketch project from Free Code Camp. This is fully functional on desktop but is not mobile friendly as it uses hover state to change the block color. This features the ability to resize the work area. This was built using vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript only.
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Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors
This is the Rock Paper Scissors project that is also part of Free Code Camp's Javascript course. This uses vanilla Javascript to keep score and randomly select a choice for the computer for each round. This was built using vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript only.
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Let's Connect

I would love to collaborate on your next email or web project. To contact me, please fill out the form or reach out via email or Linkedin with any inquiries. I look forward to hearing from you.